Created Donnerstag 28 Januar 2016
This version was released 29.08.2016
New Features
- summaries: include h_bub,h_dew and T_sat in FluidVLE_L2 and similar records
VolumeVLE_L3_TwoZones and VolumeVLE_L3_TwoZonesNPort
This has positive effects on all two-phase HeatExchangers and MechanicalSepration compoents.
- improved numerical robustness for full vessel and empty vessel
- improved handling of incoming wet steam if the replaceable model RealSeparated was used and absorbInflow < 1 due to modified model RealSeparated
- this leads to a different vessel pressure and vessel zonal enthalpies depending on the precise value of absorbInflow and the actual steam quality of the incoming flows.
- absorbInflow = 1 (default) is fully backward compatible
- the deviations will be more severe if absorbInflow<<1
- updated internal enthalpy flow communication to allow updates of the replaceable model phaseBorder
- allowed for selection of liquid pressure state to be either at the liquid surface (default) or at the middle of the liquid volume. The latter mentioned gives more realistic results in case of fast negative pressure transients
Spacial Distribution Aspects
- RealSeparated: improved handling of incoming wet steam (when absorbInflow < 1 and 0 < steamQuality < then inlet flow is first (partly) separated into vapour and liquid and then added to the respective zone. Previously, the inflow was separated according to the steam quality but to both zones wet steam was added) This leads to slightly different results if absorbInflow < 1
- RealMixed: added enthalpy flow calculation to be compliant to RealSeparated
Media Data
- update of TILMedia to be compatible to DYMOLA 2017
- cdelete unusable media records to avoid using of non free media types
- add comment for elemental composition
Library Structure and Basics of Modelling
- cp_coal as value in stream connector definition
- merge furnace base classes to one base class? Move differences inside other models
→ user defined models enheriting from CombustionChamberBase_Advanced will be buggy!
- Slag travels in reverse direction causing problems for "2-Zug" furnaces where the slag must travel alongside the downstream flue gas. Make stream direction dependent on z_in and z_out?
- make slag temperature variable and not fixed to a parameter value as option true/false
- add xi-values to the flange summary (flangeGas) in every gas component
- Special Visualisation Element for gas components
- Update Visualisers in hopper, flame rooms and burners (3 out of 4 are not working)
- make visualisers optional
- Rename coal_diffusity → burntFraction/unburntFraction
→ scripts and models accessing this variable will be buggy!
- Add GasJunctions with flexible amount of inlet and outlet ports
Heat Exchanger
- HEXvle2gas_L3_2ph_BU_simple:
- propagated parameters to set the phase interaction at the tube side
- added optional Real connector for level measurement
- HEXvle2vle_L3_2ph_BU_ntu
- allowed for selection of liquid pressure state to be either at the liquid surface (default) or at the middle of the liquid volume. The latter mentioned gives more realistic results in case of fast negative pressure transients
- added optional Real connector for level measurement
- HEXvle_L3_2ph_BU
- allowed for selection of liquid pressure state to be either at the liquid surface (default) or at the middle of the liquid volume. The latter mentioned gives more realistic results in case of fast negative pressure transients
- added optional Real connector for level measurement
- HEXvle2vle_L3_2ph_CH_simple
- allowed for selection of liquid pressure state to be either at the liquid surface (default) or at the middle of the liquid volume. The latter mentioned gives more realistic results in case of fast negative pressure transients
- added optional Real connector for level measurement
- HEXvle2vle_L3_2ph_CH_ntu
- allowed for selection of liquid pressure state to be either at the liquid surface (default) or at the middle of the liquid volume. The latter mentioned gives more realistic results in case of fast negative pressure transients
- added optional Real connector for level measurement
- HEXvle2vle_L3_2ph_CU_simple
- allowed for selection of liquid pressure state to be either at the liquid surface (default) or at the middle of the liquid volume. The latter mentioned gives more realistic results in case of fast negative pressure transients
- added optional Real connector for level measurement
- HEXvle2vle_L3_2ph_CU_ntu
- allowed for selection of liquid pressure state to be either at the liquid surface (default) or at the middle of the liquid volume. The latter mentioned gives more realistic results in case of fast negative pressure transients
- added optional Real connector for level measurement
Mechanical Separation
- FeedWaterTank_L3
- allowed for selection of liquid pressure state to be either at the liquid surface (default) or at the middle of the liquid volume. The latter mentioned gives more realistic results in case of fast negative pressure transients
- added optional Real connector for level measurement
- added optional visualiser for filling level
- FeedWaterTank_L3_advanced
- allowed for selection of liquid pressure state to be either at the liquid surface (default) or at the middle of the liquid volume. The latter mentioned gives more realistic results in case of fast negative pressure transients
- propagated alpha_ph (default=500W/m2.K is backward compatible)
- added optional Real connector for level measurement
- added optional visualiser for filling level
- Drum_L3_advanced
- allowed for selection of liquid pressure state to be either at the liquid surface (default) or at the middle of the liquid volume. The latter mentioned gives more realistic results in case of fast negative pressure transients
- propagated alpha_ph (default=500W/m2.K is backward compatible)
- added optional Real connector for level measurement
- added optional visualiser for filling level
- SteamSeparatorVLE_L3
- allowed for selection of liquid pressure state to be either at the liquid surface (default) or at the middle of the liquid volume. The latter mentioned gives more realistic results in case of fast negative pressure transients
- added optional Real connector for level measurement
- added optional visualiser for filling level
- BalanceTank
- added optional visualiser for filling level
- renamed volume instance from volumeVLEGas_L3 to volume
- create tester for non-design operation for pump models
- create tester for a pump driven by an e-motor
- Turbine has an optional mechanical shaft
- Supersonic/choked operation is optionally taken into account
- Tester for turbine is updated
- SplitVLE_L2_flex:
- set unused parameter showSummary to final true which will raise a warning if this parameter is modified. It will be removed in ClaRa 1.2.0
- added a summary
- added a parameter unitOption to VLE sensors which allows to set the unit of the Real output. The visualised measurement value has the same unit.
- added a parameter unitOption to gas sensors which allows to set the unit of the Real output. The visualised measurement value has the same unit.
- Blocks.Blocks.LimPID
- updated to avoid misleading error messages indicating that the output of "addPID" is not used / not connected. Helps debugging if a connection in missing.
- updated the functionality of delayed controller activation. Previously the control output may jump at activation time which is now prevented.
- Blocks.FirstOrderClaRa
- added a backward compatible initOption that allows to initialise the block's state to an arbitrary value. Helps to prevent algebraic loops at initialisation time.
- CoalSupplyBoiler_01_XRG bugfixed enthalpy predictor to have a meaningful start value
- enhanced EnthalpyPredictor to allow setting of a start value and an initialisation option
- ClaRa.Components.Mills.HardCoalMills.VerticalMill_L3: completed the summary
- ClaRa.Components.Mills.HardCoalMills.VerticalMill_L3: set the following variables protected as they can be found in the summary and will be (in part) renamed or removed in the release 1.2.0
- m_flow_in
- M_c
- M_pf
- M_cair
- m_flow_coal_pf
- m_flow_coal_out
- W_c_
- ClaRa.StaticCycles.Valve_cutPressure: now will be highlighted yellow if pressure difference is negative, i.e. component acts as pump
- ClaRa.StaticCycles.Pump: now will be highlighted yellow if pressure difference is positive, i.e. component acts as valve
- ClaRa.StaticCycles.Pump_real: now will be highlighted yellow if pressure difference is positive, i.e. component acts as valve
- ClaRa.StaticCycles.Tube1/Tube2 now feature a parameter p[N_cv] interpolating the pressure between p_in and p_out. This shall help to initialise dynamic pipe models
- improved ClaRa.StaticCycles.Valve_dp_nom1/2/3 to allow table based part load definition
- improved ClaRa.StaticCycles.FixedFlow to allow table based part load definition
- improvde Feedwatertank3 and Feedwatertank4 to feature optional geostatic pressure difference due to a given filling level
- ClaRa.StaticCycles.Triple: added a parameter stacy_id to allow access from post processing tools
- ClaRa.Components.Mills.HardCoalMills.VerticalMill_L3: bugfix of coal average species balance introducing der(M_coal) term. This bug led to non-physical lower heating values and coal compositions during transients
- ClaRa.Components.Mills.HardCoalMills.VerticalMill_L3: bugfix of energy balance applying the evaporation mass flow depending on the outlet states and taking into account a saturation of the gas flow. The former version implied a full evaporation of all water in the coal which led to low fuel temperatures.
- Condenser: bugfixed inlet.p = p_condenser (instead of inlet.p = outlet.p which does not take the geodetic pressure into account)
- Tube1: bugfixed outlet.p = p_out (=f(Delta_p_geo)) to take the geodetic pressure difference into account
- bugfixed signal directions in Boundary_red and Boundary_yellow
- updated connector positions in Mixer1, Mixer2 and Mixer3 to be similar to all other models in the StaticCycles package
- bugfixed Preheater1: as the component is not valid for setMassFlow =false the parameter is set final which will result in a warning in applying models. This parameter will be deleted in version 1.2
We added a number of documentation pages and fixed some minor bugs in the documentation. If you find any mistake in this documentation or if you have need for a specific component documentation we will appreciate your input via info@claralib.com.