This version was released 01.02.2015
This is the first official release. Compared to the previous inoffcial versions there are a number of changes and advances. Not all of these can be named here but the most important items are mentioned below
New Features
Media Data
- the media data are limited to a small number of media, these media are part of the ClaRa delivery and no licence is required any more. The following media data are available for free usage:
- TILMedia_Water
- TILMedia_InterpolatedWater
- TILMedia_SplineWater
- FlueGasTILMedia
- MoistAirMixture
- TILMedia_PR_CCS_Mixture_with_Water
Library Structure and Basics of Modeling
- the basic models from which the components are mostly build were restructured intruducing an improved structure of the internal comunication record (the so-called iCom). In former times the internal comunication between the model and the replaceable sub-models were handled via a public records that was also used as a summary for the user. In this concept the communication record must contain the sum of all variables needed by all replaceable models. This created extra effort for maintenance and library enhancement and increases the memory used for storage and during simulation. Therefore we created a more flexible structure that especially splitted the functionality of media property calculation, summary for the user, geometry data handling, and replaceable model's functionality. See A User Guide:GettingStarted:Model Design Principles for the general ideas of model design.
- all heat transfer models and geometries revised (please read about the known issues after restructuring)
- the library structure changed in some minor points
- blocks from the package Control.Blocks and blocks from the package Basics.Blocks are united in the package Components.Utilities.Blocks
- to help the user with finding appropriate initial values the package StaticCycles replaces the former CycleINIT. It is far more easy to use, more powerful and less error-prone. Existing CycleINIT classes will be featured using the library obsolete_CycleINIT.
- renamed a lot of components to have more selfdeclaring names, especially the packages BoundaryConditions, TurboMachines HeatEchangers are affected.
Summary and ModelProperties
- the ModelProperties model that centralises global definitions (e.g. media and materials, ambient conditions) is enhanced by a easy-to-use efficiency calculation and model summary record. The component is renamed to SimCenter.
Gas Components
- new three way valves
- new gas compressor model according to stage stacking method
- new gas turbine model according to stage stacking method
VLE Components
- improved accuracy and numerical robustness of Pump L1 shaftQuadratic (backward compatible)
- new drum model
- new non-ideal mixer
- new three way valves
- new VLE compressor model according to stage stacking method
- converted all heat exchangers to the new internal comunication paradigm
- heat transfer caclulation models are more flexible (e.g in choosing the calculation method for temperature differences)
Known Bugs
please report bugs to info@claralib.com.
Known issues after renaming and restructuring:
Deviations in the simulation results may occur after the extensive renaming and restructuring of the ClaRa library. To minimize differences the following issues have to be regarded:
- heat transfer surfaces are calculated automatically inside geo records. This might lead to differences in the calculation of heat transfer values in different models. Heat transfer correlations which had parameter values for the heat transfer surface before, have to be checked and the geo-class parametrized correctly to calculate the same values for the heat transfer surface as used before the restructuring of the library. One possibility to achieve the old values for the heat transfer surface is to scale it via the fouling factor CF_fouling.
- all heat transfer correlations are provided with the option to choose the calculation method for the mean temperature difference: logarithmic mean, arithmetic mean or simply inlet or outlet temperature.
- heat transfer correlations which were calculated with arithmetic mean as only option before, now have to be switched to arithmetic mean again because logarithmic mean ist set as standard option. This concerns the following model for example:
- ClaRa.Basics.ControlVolumes.Fundamentals.HeatTransport.Gas_HT.ConvectiveHeat_constantAlpha
- ClaRa.Basics.ControlVolumes.Fundamentals.HeatTransport.Gas_HT.ConvectiveHeat_CharLineHTC
- ClaRa.Basics.ControlVolumes.Fundamentals.HeatTransport.Gas_HT.ConvectiveAndRadiantHeat_TubeBankSuperheater
- heat flux in almost all heat transfer correlations now is set to zero for the following cases: T_in<T_mean<T_out or T_in>T_mean>T_out (might occur at the cold end of the combustion chamber)
- the release version of the ClaRa (v1.0.0) is available with different media definitions. If differing media definitions have been used in pre-release versions, the used media types have to be changed to the available ones. The mixing ratios (especially for flue gas) have to be adapted (substances might have been added compared to old flue gas definitions) and simulations have to be checked. The following media definitions are available in the release version:
- TILMedia_Water
- TILMedia_InterpolatedWater
- TILMedia_SplineWater
- FlueGasTILMedia
- MoistAirMixture
- TILMedia_PR_CCS_Mixture_with_Water