Using Busses for Signal Handling

Created Friday 15 August 2014

bus name abbreviation is one of the following:

meas - for measBus
set- for setBus
ctrl - for controlBus
man - for manBus
trns - for transBus
actve - for activeBus
op - for opBus

variable type is one of the following:

A - active (booleans in transBus and activeBus)
F - (mass) flow rate
H - enthalpy
L - level
M - manual if a controller is set to manual operation
N - frequency
P - pressure
Pwr - Power
T - temperature
Y - position
D - electrical Demand
E - emergency i.e. TurbineTrip Signal

examples for descriptive abbreviations:

drm - drum
dvtr - diverter
FW - feedwater
FWT - feedwater tank
Lvl - level
LS - live steam
vlve - valve
ST - steam turbine
GT - gas turbine
ESV - Emergency Stop Valve
Blr - Boiler
FAF - Fesh Air Fan mode
TEG - Turbine Exhaust Gas mode
FreshAirFan - fresh air fan (the component)
Dmpr - Damper
Throat - Throat
cond - Condensator
exh - exhaust of component

Examples for Bus variable names:

measP10_drm - measured pressure in drum
setL40_FWT - set value for feedwater tank level
ctrlY10_drmLvl - control position for drum level control
trnsA10_LSvlve - the transition for setting the LS valve

Backlinks: ClaRa:SubSystems:Handling Large Power Plant Models with Colleagues